Pasta la vista, baby…

Mediterranean chefs are the world’s best when it comes to whipping up hearty comfort food. The types of fragrant cook ups that leave bystanders drooling and ensure all participants are fighting off food comas as they reach for second and third helpings.

The richly flavoured pasticcio style pasta bake is a classic Mediterranean style dish that’s popular from Sicily to Cypress.

While the original recipe relies on minced lamb, cheesy white sauce and a medley of classic herbs and spices for its unique palate, it’s known as a dish that stands up well to improvisation.

Italian versions often include eggplants and other veggies, and you can even add in left overs from last night’s dinner if you’re feeling adventurous.

Despite its decadence, a pasticcio style pasta bake can easily be whipped up around the campfire.

All you’ll need to get cracking is a camp oven, a separate saucepan for your white sauce and pasta, a mixing bowl, whisk and wooden spoon. All the ingredients are readily available and don’t be afraid to swap the lamb out for beef mince if it’s easier to get your hands on.

It’s also mandatory for the campside chef to say ‘Mama Mia!’ and kiss their fingertips as they plate up for the hungry hordes.


250 grams penne style pasta

100 grams grated Parmesan cheese

75 grams butter

Two tablespoons plain flour

500ml milk

One egg, lightly whisked, plus two extra yolks

One onion, diced

Two cloves crushed garlic

500 grams lamb mince

400 gram can of tomatoes

Handful of fresh oregano, rough chopped

Handful of parsley, rough chopped

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

A stick of cinnamon

A tablespoon of tomato paste



Melt butter in saucepan and whisk flour through. Remove from heat and slowly mix in milk. Put the sauce back onto heat and keep stirring until it thickens.

Transfer sauce to a mixing bowl and add egg yolks and half of your grated Parmesan before setting aside.

Heat a dash of olive oil in a saucepan and add diced onion and garlic. Cook for a few minutes before adding tomato paste then mince. Cook for around five minutes until mince is browned and broken up.

Add your can of tomatoes, cinnamon stick, oregano and Worcestershire sauce to the mince and simmer for about 20 minutes. Take off the heat and add your parsley.

Cook your penne pasta separately, drain and add your whisked egg and around a quarter of a cup of Parmesan before mixing thoroughly.

Mix your pasta and mince mixes together and stir them thoroughly. Spoon the mixture into your pre-greased camp oven. Spread your cheesy white sauce evenly over the top and sprinkle your remaining Parmesan cheese over the top.

Close your camp oven lid and bake in the coals of your campfire for half an hour.


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